updated September 2012
My statistical research has focused on methods for fitting nonlinear relationships to data. I have also worked with Cynthia Lord, (University of Florida, FMEL), Barry Alto, (University of Florida FMEL), and Tim Lysyk to organize symposia for the Entomological Society of America annual meeting, on novel statistics for entomologists. The symposium presentations can be accessed here.
For examples of the kinds of statistical application that have interested me please see:
Farhadi, R,
Allahyari, H, Juliano, SA. 2010. Functional response of larval and adult
stages of Hippodamia variegata (
Stephens, CR, SA Juliano. 2012.
Wing shape as an indicator of larval
rearing conditions for Aedes albopictus and Ae.
aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal
of Medical Entomology
49: 927- 938
Akman, O., J. Gamage, J. Jannot, S. Juliano, A. Thurman, & D.Whitman. 2007. A Simple Test for Detection of Length-Biased Sampling. JP Journal of Biostatistics 1:189-195
Juliano, S. A. 2001. Non-linear curve fitting: Predation and functional response curves. in S. M. Scheiner & J. Gurevitch, eds. Design and analysis of ecological experiments 2nd ed. Oxford University Press. Chapman & Hall, pp. 178-196.
Kabissa, J. C. B., Yarro, J. G., Kayumbo, H. Y., & Juliano, S. A. 1997. Functional responses of two chrysopid predators feeding on Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Entomophaga 41:141-151
Williams, F. M. & Juliano, S. A. 1996. Functional responses revisited. Environmental Entomology 25:549-550
For an amusing video about statistics, research, and the perils of knowing something about statistics, check out the following link: