Costa Rican Rainforest Ecology (BSC 306.08)

This site is (Still) under construction

Our Group - 2005

BACK ROW: Adam Weyhrich, Steve Juliano (Instructor), Gavin Brink, Carie Weddle (Instructor), Michelle Toelle, Courtney Janiec, Ray Arquette, Evan Young, Cyndi Pinkus, Kevin Kocot, Mindy Brown, Geoff Ower.

FRONT ROW: Linsey Sala, Lindsey Kling, Amy Beste, Kevin Huizenga, Matt DeBerg, Luke Dillifield, Bill Perry (Instructor), Ed Mockford (Guest Instructor)


Some pictures from 2005

Check in at O'Hare - 4:30 AM

At Costa Rican Immigration

First bus (before it broke down)


Ghost moth

Owl Butterfly Caterpillar

Owl Butterfly

Large amblypygid

Amblypygid up close

Large Nephila female

Peanut head bug

Peanut head bug

Head closeup

Head closeup

Cyndi collecting from bromeliads

Surgery on a Terciopelo

Dennis, Fer de Lance rsearcher

Surgery on a Terciopelo - in the tube

Site of implant for the transmitter

Preparing to revive the snake

Reviving the snake ... herpetologists get to do all the fun stuff

Three-toed sloth mom and baby

Baby three-toed sloth


Green morph, Eyelash viper

Green morph, Eyelash viper

Slug eater

Slug eater

Just when you think it can't get better ... yellow morph of the Eyelash viper

Yellow morph of the eyelash viper

head of a very large terrestrial flatworm

A very large terrestrial flatworm

Clearwing butterfly

Clearwing butterfly

Saddleback caterpillar

Cecropia Stem with opening

Cecropia petiole, showing food body area

Atta pinned, being attacked by Azteca

Atta pinned to Cecropia leaf

Azteca defending Cecropia

Cecropia petiole, showing food body area

Cecropia stem showing Azteca nest opening

Geoff Ower, working on his Cecropia-Azteca project

Sunning caiman

Michelle Toelle working on her antlions

Central American Whiptail Lizard

Lindsey and Carrie at the stream

Amy Beste studies a drowned camera

Ed Mockford at the stream

Perfect spot for lunch

Michelle Toelle

Cyndi Pinkus

Amy, Lindsey, Michelle, & Carie ... we don't really want to go back

Capuchin monkey mother and youngster




Our group - 2004

LEFT TO RIGHT:  Steve Juliano (instructor), Brian Mautz (grad student), Carla Koenig (undergrad), Carie Weddle (grad student), Alison Tedrick (undergrad), Rachel Goad (undergrad), Natalka Kinal (undergrad), Ashley Nordmeyer (undergrad), Rachel Bowden (guest instructor), Krysta Roszansky (undergrad), Jason Seigler (undergrad), Heather Les (undergrad), Joe Armstrong (instructor)

Some pictures from 2004

Some pictures from 2002


The bus to La Selva              At home at Cabina Iguana


Banu at the bamboo              Where do katydids hide?


Mantis                                       Mantis, up close



Flannel moth caterpillar            Emerald basilisk (Lagarto Jesucristo)


Male green Iguana 1                Male green Iguana 2


Boats at Puerto Viejo               Kids on the Rio Sarapiqui


Caiman                                     Hiking group (Danielle, Bill, Krista, Katie, Kim, Karla, Erin)


Can you find the little hognose pit viper? (click on the snake for a grainy closeup)              

                            STREAM 2B.JPG (228800 bytes)

Hognose viper up close                  Stream

Students - 2001

From Left: Hamilton Wells (undergraduate), Carrie(Sara) Booth (undergraduate), Mike Neville (undergraduate), Anthony Seckler (undergraduate), Billy Elmore (undergraduate), Kelly Chittenden (undergraduate), Andrea Kennedy (undergraduate), Sarah Takacs (graduate student), Sara(Carrie) Booth (undergraduate). 

Missing:  Joe Armstrong, Steve Juliano, John Hatle (Instructors); Don Yee (TA); Susan Yee (international observer)











Our Group - 1999

(From left) Joe Armstrong (instructor), Danielle Duchesne (undergraduate), Chris Todd (graduate student), Steve Juliano (instructor), Joanne Drabik (undergraduate), Amanda Andrews (undergraduate), Katie Jaskowiak (undergraduate), Caroline Myers (graduate student)

Some photos from 1999


Flycatcher in the rain               Mother howler and baby


Male green iguana                   Owl butterfly                            Cryptic dead-leaf katydid


Palm fruits                              Terciopelo (aka Fer de lance)       Long-ovipositor katydid

Our Group - 1998 


Back Row: Steve Juliano (Instructor), John Sabuco (PhD student), Kyle Kobe (undergraduate - Teacher ed.), Steve Van Rhein (MS student), Aurora Amoah (undergraduate), John Styrsky (MS student), Rebecca White (undergraduate). Middle Row: Lynne Sabuco (external examiner), Tammy Hepler (undergraduate), Courtney Russell (undergraduate), Lisa Ellis (MS student). Front Row: Joe Armstrong (Instructor), Mary Lee (undergraduate), Nick Iaderosa (undergraduate), Chris Noble (undergraduate).

Some photos from 1998

OTS bus from San Jose to La Selva

The streets of San Jose

Over the mountain to La Selva

One of La Selva's male iguanas

Dormitory (Iguana)

A very large Katydid - on Steve's boot

Heliconia flowers & bracts

Steve doing research on Heliconia insects

It rains a lot in the rainforest.

Orange-bracted Heliconia

Rainforest stream

John conducting aquatic research

The river; high water due to rain.

Giant caterpillar (probably a morpho butterfly)

Rebecca & Tammy doing research on leaf cutter ants - in the rain.

Leaf cutter ants carrying cut leaves

Giant leaf cutter ant nest

A startled Tinamou

Joe teaching Courtney something important about nutmeg.

Wild nutmeg fruit, open, showing red aril

The rainforest as seen from one of the many paths at La Selva

Dendrobates pumilo - poison dart frog

Howler monkey

Steve in front of a really large canopy tree