last updated May 2013

Two of my recent graduate students, Ebony Murrell (PhD 2012) and Joe Fader (MS 2011) have won awards for best presentation at the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Ebony won the society's 2012 Murray Buell award for best student talk at the 2011 annual meeting.

Joe won the society's 2011 E. Lucy Braun award for the best student poster at the 2010 annual meeting.

Needless to say, this makes me a very proud advisor.  It is great to have great students.

PDFs of the announcements of their awards from the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America are here:

Ebony Murrell: 2012 Buell award          Joe Fader: 2011 Braun award


Update:  Congratulations to Ebony on winning the Sorensen award for best Dissertation at Illinois State University.  (announcement)

Another update:  Jennifer Breaux has been awarded an NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for her work on how larval environments influence adult immunity in Aedes mosquitoes.  Congratulations Jen.

It continues to be great having great students.