Advising Responsibilities
Student Responsibilities
Before meeting with the Biology advisor, students must:
- Go to MyIllinoisState , log in, and click on the Academics tab. Under Academic Progress, click on Academic Requirements, and print the information.
- Review the Requirements for the Major in Biology (see below) and graduation requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog .
- Prepare a written academic plan for review with the Biology advisor.
- Make an appointment to see the Biology advisor and bring all of this information with you to your scheduled appointment.
Advisor Responsibilities
The Biology advisor is responsible for assisting students with academic issues and helping students make decisions based on available options for successful degree completion. The advisor will not tell students what courses they need to take each semester in order to graduate, but will serve as a resource for information regarding degree completion. Specifically, the Biology advisor can:
- Review students’ academic record.
- Provide accurate information about institutional policies, procedures, resources, and programs
- Work with students in evaluation of their progress towards their degree
- Make referrals to resources within and out of the college as appropriate
- Empower and encourage students to be self-directed learners