Financial Support
Funding Opportunities at Illinois State University
- Most graduate students in the School of Biological Sciences are supported by Teaching Assistantships (TAs) or Research Assistantships (RAs), or fellowships, which include a stipend and a tuition waiver.
- Everyone admitted to our M.S.or Ph.D. program is provided a TA or RA during Fall and Spring semesters, unless other support (e.g., fellowships) is available. However, you should not attempt to complete the online TA application form until after you have been admitted into our graduate program.
- Research Assistantships (RAs) are arranged through the faculty member directing your thesis or dissertation.
- TAs in the M.S. Program who are making adequate progress toward completion of their degree currently receive $1338/month for 9 months plus tuition waivers (see M.S. Program Policies for details). TAs in our Ph.D. program who are making adequate progress toward completion of their degree currently receive $2083/month for 9 months plus tuition waivers (see Ph.D. Program Policies for details). Opportunities for up to 3 months/year of additional support may be available for both M.S. and Ph.D. students.
- M.S. and Ph.D. students not holding a TA or RA (or visiting students taking graduate classes and serving as lab instructors for Biological Sciences) may request a tuition waiver (or a partial waiver) from Ben Sadd, Assistant Director for Graduate Studies, during the frist week of Fall or Spring semesters. To do this they should fill out and complete the Application for Graduation Tuition Waiver Form.
- Priorities for award of tuition waivers to students not on assistantships are: 1) students who have given up assistantships to work intensively on completing their thesis; 2) students who have given up assistantships for health reasons; 3) visiting graduate students who are working as lab instructors for Biological Sciences courses.
- Award of tuition waivers to these students without assistantships will be determined on a competitive basis by the Assistant Director of Graduate Studies and the School of Biological Sciences Graduate Studies Committee.
Additional Funding Opportunities
At Illinois State University
Competitive research grants and summer fellowships from local chapter of Phi Sigma.
Illinois State University Graduate School Funding. -
National Programs
Graduate funding and fellowships at the National Science Foundation (NSF)
Graduate student fellowships from National Institutes of Health (NIH)