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BSC 495 Independent Research Form

Field and/or laboratory research in the biological sciences involving participation in the scientific process with faculty and other graduate students with the purpose of conducting independent research and/or developing additional research skills and technical expertise. The research topic should be distinct from that of the student’s thesis or dissertation. Prerequisite: Project proposal must be approved by a supervising faculty member, the student's graduate advisor (if in the thesis program), and chair of the graduate studies prior to registration. Students are expected to work on average a minimum of 3 hrs. per week for each hour of credit. May be repeated; max of 4 hours may be counted toward degree requirement.

Registration Reminders

  • Students are responsible for registering for 495 credit within a timely manner
  • Student will be notified via email after the designated person within the School provides the “class permission” override allowing a student to register.
  • Complete and submit the BSC 495 Graduate Research Form