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Dr. Carlos Rodriguez

Assistant Professor of Evolutionary Neurobiology
School of Biological Sciences
JH Julian Hall 210
  • About
  • Research

Current Courses

499.018Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

305.001Biological Evolution

204.003Biological Investigations

499.018Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

290.023Research In Biological Sciences

599.018Research In The Biological Sciences

Teaching Interests & Areas

Evolution, Animal behavior, Biostatistics, Animal physiology, Zoology, Neuroscience

Research Interests & Areas

I study the evolution of animal communication. My research focuses on bird vocalizations. General topics of interest include animal behavior, neuroscience, evolution, vocal communication, bioacoustics, tropical biology, ornithology, and computational ethology. My students and I work in the laboratory and the field, including expeditions to the Tropics.

Journal Article

Chiappone, M., Rodriguez-Saltos, C., Legendre, L. J., Li, Z., & Clarke, J. (2024). Ostrich (Struthio camelus) syrinx morphology and vocal repertoire across postnatal ontogeny and sex: Implications for understanding vocal evolution in birds. Journal of Anatomy, 244(4), 541–556.
Rodriguez-Saltos, C.A., Duque, F.G., and J.A. Clarke (2022). Precise and non-scalar timing of intervals in a bird vocalization. Animal behaviour. 191:165-177.
Duque, F.G., Rodriguez-Saltos, C.A., Monteros, M.F., and W. Wilczynski (2021). Transmission of high-frequency vocalizations from hummingbirds living in diverse habitats. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 132(1):148-160.
Duque, F.G., Rodriguez-Saltos, C.A., Uma, S.a*, Nasir, I.a*, Monteros, M.F., Wilczynski, W., and L.L. Carruth (2020). High-frequency hearing in a hummingbird. Science Advances. 6(29): eabb9393.
Duque, F. G., Rodriguez-Saltos, C.A., and W. Wilczynski (2018). High-frequency vocalizations in Andean hummingbirds. Current Biology 281(7): R927-R928.


Cooperation among antiphonal-duetting partners. University Research Symposium. Illinois State University. (2024)
Cooperation among antiphonal-duetting partners. Phi Sigma Annual Symposium. Illinois State University. (2024)
Song Dialects in a Bird with Highly Precise Timing of Notes (Microcerculus marginatus). University Research Symposium. Illinois State University. (2024)
Song Dialects in a Bird with Highly Precise Timing of Notes (Microcerculus marginatus). Phi Sigma Annual Research Symposium. Illinois State University. (2024)

Grants & Contracts

Singing on the beat in the wild: Precision of interval timing in birdsong. ISU- College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University. (2024)