Javier delBarco-Trillo
Assistant Professor of Evolutionary Physiology
School of Biological Sciences
FHS Felmley Hall Of Science 121
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Generally interested in behavioral ecology and evolutionary biology, with an emphasis on sperm competition, urban ecology, mammalian reproductive physiology, and olfactory communication. Although I have mostly worked with many species of rodents, I have also studied primates, meerkats, birds, amphibians, and tardigrades.
Current Courses
499.013Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
296.001Mammalian Biology
Teaching Interests & Areas
Mammalian Biology, Animal Behavior, Comparative Animal Physiology, Ecology Field Trips
Research Interests & Areas
Mammalian reproduction; sperm physiology; sexual selection; olfactory communication; aggressive and mating behaviors; urban ecology and evolution in both invertebrates and vertebrates.
Duke University, Department of Evolutionary Anthropology
Durham, NC
Cornell University, Department of Psychology
Ithaca, NY
PhD Biology (Vertebrate Zoology)
University of Memphis
BS Biology (Biology of Organisms and Systems)
University of Barcelona, Spain
Amazing Teacher
Liverpool Students' Union Amazing Teaching Awards
University of Memphis Society, Inc. Doctoral Fellowship (awarded to the best PhD student in the university)
University of Memphis Society, Inc.
Annual Research Forum, first place for poster presentation
University of Memphis
Book, Chapter
Ferkin, M.H., delBarco-Trillo, J. and Petrulis, A. (2017) Communication by chemical signals: Physiological mechanisms, ontogeny and learning, function, evolution and cognition. In: Hormones, Brain, and Behavior, 3rd ed (ed. Pfaff, D.W. and Joëls, M.). Elsevier, Oxford. 285-327. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-803592-4.00010-9
Ferkin, M.H. and delBarco-Trillo, J. (2010) Sex differences. In: Encyclopedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare (ed. Mills, D.S., Marchant-Forde, J.N., McGreevy, P.D., Morton, D.B., Nicol, C.J., Phillips, C.J.C., Sandoe, P., Swaisgood, R.R.). CABI, Wallingford, UK. 543-545
Johnston, R.E. and delBarco-Trillo, J. (2009) Communication by chemical signals: Behavior, social recognition, hormones and the role of the vomeronasal and olfactory systems. In: Hormones, Brain and Behavior, 2nd ed (ed. Pfaff, D.W., Arnold, A.P., Etgen, A.M., Rubin, R.T. and Fahrbach, S.E.). Elsevier, New York. 395-440. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-008088783-8.00011-5
Journal Article
delBarco-Trillo, J. and Putman, B. (2023) Not all cities are the same: variation in animal phenotypes across cities within urban ecology studies. Urban Ecosystems. 26: 1725-1737. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-023-01419-8
Regacho, T. and delBarco-Trillo, J. (2022) Morphological stability of rural populations supports their use as controls in urban ecology studies. Urban Ecosystems. 25: 1611-1618. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-022-01253-4
Kelly, G. and delBarco-Trillo, J. (2020) Importance of taxonomic group, life stage and circumstance of rescue upon wildlife rehabilitation in Ontario, Canada. Journal for Nature Conservation. 57: 125897. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnc.2020.125897
McCarthy, T. and delBarco-Trillo, J. (2020) Tardigrade abundance in relation to urbanization and highly anthropogenic substrates. Journal of Urban Ecology. 6: juaa008. https://doi.org/10.1093/jue/juaa008
O’Donnell, K. and delBarco-Trillo, J. (2020) Changes in the home range sizes of terrestrial vertebrates in response to urban disturbance: a meta-analysis. Journal of Urban Ecology. 6: juaa014. https://doi.org/10.1093/jue/juaa014
Odors in the city: Chemical communication in urban environments. 16th Meeting on Chemical Signals in Vertebrates. Goethe-University Frankfurt. (2024)
Rodent phenotypes in the Anthropocene: integrating plastic traits across cities. 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. (2024)
Sperm competition in mammals: sperm production, allocation and evolution. Invited talk (Illinois State University, School of Biological Sciences). (2023)
Urban ecology: towards a multidisciplinary, multi-species, multi-city approach. Invited talk (University at Buffalo, Department of Environment and Sustainability). (2022)
Mammalian olfactory communication and learned assortative mating. Invited talk (University of Texas at El Paso, Department of Biological Sciences). (2021)
Sperm competition in mammals: sperm production, allocation and evolution. Invited talk (University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Department of Biology). (2020)
Sperm competition in mammals: sperm production, allocation and evolution. Invited talk (University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Biological Sciences). (2020)
Sperm competition in mammals: sperm production, allocation and evolution. Invited talk (University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, Department of Biology). (2020)
An integrative study of sperm competition. Invited talk (University of Aberdeen, School of Biological Sciences). (2019)
An integrative study of sperm competition. Invited talk (University of Lincoln, School of Life Sciences). (2019)