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Dr. Rachel Bowden

School Director & Distinguished Professor of Ecological Physiology
School of Biological Sciences
SLB Science Laboratory Building 244
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

299.001Independent Honor Study

290.007Research In Biological Sciences

599.001Research In The Biological Sciences

299.002Independent Honor Study

290.007Research In Biological Sciences

599.001Research In The Biological Sciences

Teaching Interests & Areas

Ecological Physiology of Animals;
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy;
Graduate and Undergraduate Seminars

Research Interests & Areas

Maternal resource provisioning to offspring;
Sex determination;

Post-Doc Zoology & Genetics

Iowa State University

Ph D Biology

Indiana University

BA Environmental, Population, and Organismal Biology

University of Colorado

Million Dollar Club


Outstanding University Researcher


Outstanding College Researcher Award - Sciences

ISU College of Arts & Sciences

Book, Chapter

Bowden, R. Freshwater turtles. Breed, M. D., and Moore, J. (EDs), Encyclopedia of Animal Behaviour. Oxford: Academic Press. 3 (2010): 462-68.


Identifying B cells in hatchling and adult Trachemys scripta, red-eared slider turtles. Immunology 2022. American Association of Immunologists. (2022)
Purification, biotinylation, and testing of a monoclonal antibody to identify B cells in Trachemys scripta, the red-eared slider turtle. AAI Immunology 2021. American Association of Immunologists. (2021)
Use of a monoclonal antibody to identify B cells in Trachemys scripta, the red-eared slider turtle. Autumn Immunology Conference 2021. Autumn Immunology Conference 2021. (2021)
Heat Wave Timing, Continuity, and Length Affect Temperature-dependent Sex Determination in a Freshwater Turtle. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. (2019)
So many turtles, so little time. Savannah River Ecology Labs. (2019)
So many turtles, so little time. Southern Illinois University. (2019)
Working With Turtle Immune Cells And Antibodies In The Lab: Determining Experimental Conditions. Autumn Immunology Conference 2019. (2019)
Do moms put enzymes into eggs to protect embryos from exposure to environmental chemicals?. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. (2017)
Formation of ILF-like structures in hatchling T. scripta. Autumn Immunology Conference. (2017)
Do vertebrate eggs contain maternally derived steroidogenic enzymes that are susceptible to inhibition by endocrine disruptors?. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. (2015)

Grants & Contracts

Nature of systemic and mucosal B cell function in reptiles. National Institutes of Health. Federal. (2018)
Induced immunity as a source of maternal effects on offspring phenotype (renewal application - resubmission). National Institutes of Health. Federal. (2017)
MRI: Acquisition of a high speed cell sorter for interdisciplinary student research and training in Biological Sciences. National Science Foundation. Federal. (2017)