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Passiflora vitiflora, the red passion flower, is like a scarlet beacon in the dim rainforest understory.  These large flowers (10-12 cm in diam) are pollinated by hermit hummingbirds.  While searching for nectar among the bases of the 5 petals and 5 petalloid sepals, the head of the hummingbirds come incontact with either the five sort of banana-shaped anthers or one of the three round stigmas.  To avoid cross-pollination, the pollen dispersing phase and the pollen accepting phase are separated in time.  Hermit hummingbirds forage long distances along a trapline consisting of a series of rewarding plants, and thus are efficient transporters of pollen over long distances.

passion2.jpg (31950 bytes) This side view of another flower shows the spacing between the ring of anthers and stigmas and the corolla.