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What can I do with a Biological Sciences degree?

Earning a degree in Biological Sciences opens up a world of opportunities for careers in medicine, research, genetics, pathology, engineering, education, and much more. Please use the links below to explore what careers today's biologists have found.

Do I need to obtain research experience as an undergrad?

Regardless of whether you intend to apply to medical school, graduate school, or teach high school, obtaining research experience as an undergraduate is becoming increasingly important. Medical and graduate school applicants who have undergraduate research experience are much more likely to be offered admission, and implementing the Next Generation Science Standards requires a teacher have substantial familiarity with scientific practices, which are best obtained by actually practicing science as a researcher. So how can you obtain research experience as an undergraduate? Start by perusing the School of Biological Sciences' faculty research interests. When you find someone who is doing research that you find interesting, send them a professional email to inquire about volunteering in their lab a few hours per week or registering for BSC 290 or 299 to conduct research under their mentorship. Students who work with a faculty member for several semesters are often able to submit a manuscript for publication before graduation, which greatly enhances chances of being successful in medical or graduate school applications. The School also offers an undergraduate thesis option that you may want to pursue. Research experience can also be obtained by participating in a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). You can search for REUs from the NSF website.

Careers Options

Individual Companies and Non-profits
Resume and Interview Help

In addition to the knowledge you accumulate within your coursework, you need to learn how to format a resume and present yourself at an interview in order to give the very best impression. ISU has resources that can help. Check out the ISU Career Center!

Current Opportunities

Undergraduates in the School of Biological Sciences have the option to earn academic credit for relevant experiences in internships, employment, or cooperative programs. These activities must relate to training as a biologist.

Visit the undergraduate Internships and Jobs page to learn more about current opportunities.


Science Jobs


Biology majors may earn academic credit for experiences in internships, or participation in a cooperative program when these activities are related to their training as biologists. Up to four hours of credit in BSC 398, Professional Practice in Biology, may be counted toward the 37 hours of biology required for the major (credit/no credit). Up to 16 credits may count toward the 120 needed for graduation.

Students may find, by their own initiative a suitable arrangement with industries, zoological or botanical gardens, environmental agencies, or research laboratories. They will work out the exact terms of each arrangement with the Advisor. The arrangement includes a written report by the student at the end of each experience.

Amanda Martin is the Undergraduate Advisor for the School of Biological Sciences. Office: Julian 210F; Phone: (309) 438-8252.

Current listings

Chicago Botanic Garden Internship Opportunities see their website for the annual deadlines

Parklands Foundation Summer Internship -- Restoration and Management of Native Landscapes in Central Illinois. For more information contact Dr. Anderson